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A Very Successful Opening Day

Opening Day Line

Some happy shoppers line up to visit the Farmers’ Market on opening day.

We did it!  The first “physically distancing” Farmers’ Market is complete, and what a fantastic turnout of local support.  The weather was ideal, with just a very brief sprinkling or rain, but otherwise warm and partially sunny.  All-in-all, we were very pleased with how smoothly the very different set up went this past Saturday. We did learn a few things, and will be making some minor changes, but the feedback from our vendors and customers has been very positive.  We do want to remind shoppers that we are asking that only one member per household enter the shopping area (with the exception of single parents with children or seniors requiring assistance)  Couples are welcome to line up together while waiting to enter the shopping area.

This coming Saturday, shoppers will be able to purchase vegetable plants for your garden, fresh rhubarb, asparagus, early greens, herbs, microgreens, jams, jellies, cheese, bread, farm fresh eggs, baked goods, honey, both frozen and dehydrated soups, frozen entrees, and more.  As the weeks go on, we will have more farmers joining the line up as more of their produce ripens.  With not being able to have onsite food preparation right now, I am sure that many of you are missing your Saturday morning “egg thingy” from the dream team of Liam and James at Sweets & Swirls.  Fear not! The prepared, prepackaged breakfast item is available for you to take home and warm in the microwave (or if you are like me, and don’t own a microwave, heat for a few minutes in a skillet with a lid on it)  I enjoyed one this past Saturday when I got home; thanks S&S!

A shout out to Limited Distillery in Virgil for supplying the Market with hand sanitizer for our shoppers.  Another great local business for us all to support!

Looking forward to seeing everyone come out to access local “food less touched”, support our local farmers and small businesses, and bring home nutritious and delicious foods to share with your family.  The Market is located at 111 Garrison Village Drive in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and we will be open 8am to 1pm this Saturday May 30th.

Meet you @ The Market!